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Quilting Tip #3 - Consistent Seam Allowance

Quilting Tip #3 - Consistent Seam Allowance

Getting a consistent quarter inch seam allowance was difficult for me.  My Juki has a quarter inch foot, but I still could not get a consistent seam allowance or the block would be too small.

It wasn't until I started cutting more accurately (last week's tip) and using a scant 1/4" that sewing the blocks became more consistent.

Here are a few tips that may help you on your journey to better and more fun sewing.

1. Use a quarter inch foot - or better yet, a scant quarter inch foot.  The guide on these feet really help in sewing a straight and consistent line.  They usually come with your machine or at least as an accessory.

2. Mark your machine - Use 1/4" tape or just painters tape to extent the 1/4 mark on your machine and make it easier to see - I know my eyes need the extra help!

3. Press seam open or to the side - this is just to create a consistent seam throughout and make your blocks line up better.  I know many pattern ask you to iron open and to the side - this is a judgement call (and I tend to iron open) depending on the project,

4. Pin, Pin, Pin - Pinning ensures your fabric feeds evenly thus giving you a consistent seam allowance.  I am a big pinner - I have found my sewing goes so much smoother when I do.

5. Check your work - Don't be afraid to get out that seam ripper if a seam doesn't sew correctly.  I don't know how many times that last inch just goes haywire!  Rip it out and stitch again - you will be glad you did at the end!

I know just from talking at the shop, many, many quilters struggle in this arena.  I truly believe first and foremost that accurate cutting is the first step and a good quarter inch foot takes it home.  Some fun pins help too.  

Don't stress too much about it though - I always say - "you never know until you try" and "done is always better than perfect!"

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  • Jennifer Armentrout
Comments 2
  • Becky

    Very few people I know pin. I pin the heck out of everything!!! Fabrics shift so easily and you have a mess then. So happy I found a fellow Pinner!!

  • Lidia Martinez
    Lidia Martinez

    I have Janome machines and use the HO plate and HP 1/4 inch foot. It works beautifully and was a game changer for my piecing. I also find pressing my seams open helps keep things aligned and tidy. Thanks for the tips and I love your shop!!!

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