Why shop at your local quilt shop?

Why shop at your local quilt shop?

I know I am shooting myself in the foot here - owning an in-store shop and an on-line shop.  These things I try to bring to both arenas to make my on-line shop like a local quilt shop with great customer service and videos so we get to know each other and you can feel comfortable asking questions.

What I am talking about this month though, is the local quilt shop experience.

This week, it is the expertise.

I am not just talking about expertise in sewing/quilting, but that person that can work with you to match colors, pick out backing and binding, show you how to work that ruler and work through a problem.

That Stripology Ruler confuses you, I can walk you through it.

Want to try out that new Magnetic Cutting System - try it out in store before you buy! 

I have gotten so many questions from customers that bought on-line and needed help, but could not get it from the place they purchased.  This is exactly why shopping at your local shop brings so many benefits to you.

And exact why I am working to make that happen with my on-line shop as well and my in-store shop.  So whether you shop online or in-store - please ask me anything AND follow our You Tube Channel - we are getting started with videos pertaining to Gravity, but this year is a focus on videos tips, demos and more. 


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  • Jennifer Armentrout
Comments 2
  • Threaded Lines
    Threaded Lines

    Jennifer, It is not recommended to iron cork – however, if you use a pressing cloth and use more pressure than heat, you could get it to crease like you like. Cork tend to form to the position it is in.

  • Jennifer Sims
    Jennifer Sims

    I purchased some Cork Fabric. I want to make Kleenex holders with the Cork Fabric on the outside and fabric on the inside. Can I iron/press the Cork Fabric?
    Thank you so much for your time and support.

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