Quilting Tip #10 - Enjoy the Process

Quilting Tip #10 - Enjoy the Process

In all the time I have been sewing - about 8 years, the one thing that has been elusive is enjoying every part of the quilt process.  We all have our favorite parts.  Some love cutting, other piecing, binding etc.

What if we took the time to enjoy EVERY part of sewing?  What if we took a slow approach to each process?

I know there are deadlines - own a quilt shop and you will know deadlines - but for fun every now and then, pick a project that speaks to you and is really just for fun!

5 reasons why Quilting is FUN!

1. Creativity and Expression - if you stop worrying about the rules, you can go crazy with breaking the rules!  Fabric between the batting and the top - what?  You are only limited by your imagination.

2. Therapeutic and Relaxing - Conversely - just slowing down, putting on some soft music or a podcast, just get into the rhythm of cutting, sewing, ironing...When you get into a "zone", it is quite exhilarating.

3. Sense of Accomplishment - Since most of the quilts are given to others (or ourselves), there is a great sense of accomplishment and the heartwarming aspect of giving it to someone who appreciates the work that went into it.

4. Which leads to Handmade Gifts and Keepsakes - Quilts are the ultimate hand made keepsake!  Each one can be personalized in color and design for intended person or people, and these quilts are the most cherished!  In other words - it makes you feel good!

5. Community and Connection - Once you start quilting, you will always have something to talk about.  Even people who do not quilt, know a quilter or have owned a quilt.  Have you ever paid attention to movies - almost every movie I have seen has a quilt in it - it is the one thing that brings warmth and family together.  Not to mention Quilt Guilds, Bees, groups and classes.    Most have people of all ages - so generational community at its finest.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced quilter, finding joy in the process of creating something beautiful with your own hands is at the heart of the quilting experience.

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  • Jennifer Armentrout
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